Success Stories
Bright Line Eating® is transforming lives. Getting into a Bright Body is only the beginning. Those who commit to the Bright Line Eating lifestyle also benefit from loads of achievements that include everything from greater happiness to balancing health metrics.**

Meet Meg G.
I have been overweight since I was a teenager. I have been on many medications since I was a young child because I have a lot of health issues, and all of the medications have “weight gain” as a side effect. I spent all my adult years yo-yo-ing between slightly overweight and morbidly obese. While I was in a support group at my church, I realized that I was a food addict and I needed help. A friend told me about BLE. At first, I wasn’t ready to hear it, and I wasn’t ready to give up my drug of choice. My friend suggested that I take the month to “practice” and get used to the program. I am so glad that I did! That was December of 2019. I wanted to officially start on a momentous day, so I started on January 1, 2020 and have never looked back! I made sure to tell all my friends and family about it so that I would have support. Some were supportive, some were not. But my husband and son were the most supportive, so that is what has truly kept me on track.
The first few weeks were very difficult because of going through withdrawal. It was so helpful to have a buddy doing the program, and we sent photos of our meals and chatted every day. Once the pandemic struck, though, she was trapped in South America. I was on my own. That’s when I joined a BLE group and found a Mastermind Group. Those women are my support group and lifeline. I can share things with them that I don’t feel comfortable sharing with anyone else, and I know that they will understand. Support is key to this program. The journey has not been easy, but it is worth it. I have slipped a couple times, but my Mastermind Group and buddy are always there to pick me up and help me get back on track.
So far, I have lost 30 pounds*. I have gained so much energy! I feel more clear-headed and at peace. The last time I was at this weight was before I met my husband 10 years ago! And I am still losing weight. Previously, I would hit this weight, but then gain everything back within a month or two. I could never sustain the weight loss. While on this program, my doctors are amazed at my success, and I feel successful, too! Although I still get cravings and sometimes get frustrated that I can’t eat whatever I want, whenever I want, I simply think about how great I feel, how much more peace I have, and how I will be living a healthy life far into the future for my son and maybe even grandchildren.
*People following the Bright Line Eating program lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. Featured participants expended more time and effort than required and were asked to share their experiences to help promote the program because of the extraordinary results they achieved.