Liza's Weight-Loss Success Story
Bright Line Eating® is transforming lives. Learning how to lose weight and getting into a Bright Body is only the beginning. Those who practice Bright Line Eating learn to keep the weight off long term and reap the benefits, such as greater happiness, better health metrics, fewer cravings, and more peace of mind when it comes to food.**

Meet Liza S.
I am eternally grateful to have discovered Bright Line Eating in September of 2019, when I stumbled across Susan Peirce Thompson’s book while searching for self-help books about Binge Eating Disorder, which I have struggled with since early childhood. I have never lived in a Bright Body. My mom took me to my first Weight Watchers meeting at age 6, and my parents had me on one diet or another throughout my entire childhood, but never addressed the underlying ED, complex trauma, or addictive tendencies behind the eating. Anytime I did drop a bit of weight, I ended up putting it right back on, and we started again from the beginning.
I repeated this unhealthy pattern into my adulthood, getting down to 200 pounds only to plateau, become frustrated, and then watch my weight creep right back up, usually to a higher point than ever before. When I listened to Susan read the audiobook version of Bright Line Eating, explaining the neuroscience of food addiction—a concept I had never really considered in regard to my relationship with food and my body—the shame I’d felt all my life around my eating lifted. I realized, for the first time, that this wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t a personal or moral failing or a matter of being weak, and like the addictive behaviors I engaged in when I was younger, I’d need to make a radical change to my mindset in order to get into recovery from this addiction.
At first, I was scared of “giving it up forever,” and like a true addict, I binged for about two weeks before committing to the program. But once I committed, I surrendered completely. Clearly, doing it my way, making exceptions, and trying to be “reasonable” hadn’t worked yet, so it was time to try something completely different.
I started BLE on October 23, 2019 with the 14-Day Challenge at 269 pounds (size 22/24/XXL). I did it because I wanted to be present for my life again, to be able to keep up with my partner, and to find freedom from the painful addiction I was living in. I followed the plan without exception. I signed up for the Boot Camp (shoutout to Exquisite House!!) immediately after completing the Challenge, joined Bright Lifers when the Boot Camp ended, and since then have done Bright Line Grit and Bright Line Mind. I connected with two Mastermind groups, joined the Gideon Games, and built super strong habit stacks to support my recovery.
Today, I have 307 Bright days and have never broken my Lines, because my recovery is too important and valuable to me to mess around with a program that just works—despite a global pandemic, starting grad school, serious illness, family emergencies, and all the rest of what life has thrown at me (and all of us) recently. I’ve released almost 100 pounds* in that time, dropping below 200 pounds for the first time since middle school, and I’m now comfortable in a size M/10, which I have never, ever worn before, not even as a kid. More than that, though, is that working this recovery program every day gives me freedom from the obsessive addiction I was mired in a year ago. I am truly present in my body and for my life again!
Soon, I will be ready to start the maintenance dance, a dance that will be entirely new to me. That will be an exciting adventure, and I am so glad that I have the support of this community as I move towards it! I never thought I would be in a place to write these words, but stepping fully into the program and community of support has been the greatest gift I could have ever given myself. I know this journey of recovery will be a lifelong one, and I am confident that with this program and my circles of support, I have everything I need to successfully navigate the waves of life. Food freedom is actually, truly possible, and BLE is a fantastic place to find it!
*People following the Bright Line Eating program lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. Featured participants expended more time and effort than required and were asked to share their experiences to help promote the program because of the extraordinary results they achieved.