Success Stories
Bright Line Eating® is transforming lives. Getting into a Bright Body is only the beginning. Those who commit to the Bright Line Eating lifestyle also benefit from loads of achievements that include everything from greater happiness to balancing health metrics.**

Meet Jacki R.
I’ve been overweight my entire life, and my first diet at 5 years of age consisted of me giving up the yummy vanilla-orange creamsicles that I bought from the ice cream man on summer afternoons. All the women in my family dieted, so, in retrospect, it’s not surprising that I picked up this aspect of our family culture at an early age. And, although the men in our family didn’t struggle with food, they clearly valued slim women more than those who were not. When I was a teenager, my father repeatedly warned me that I was going to be like my “big, fat Aunt Ida.” I never met nor knew anything else about Aunt Ida other than that she was overweight and that I didn’t want to be like her.
I realized in my twenties that I was addicted to sugar, and over the years, I tried countless diets and gave up sugar more times than I can remember. At one point, I found short-term success limiting my diet to fruits, nuts, and vegetables. I’d hoped that my mother would witness my triumph over sweets, but unfortunately, this wasn’t to be. About one month after my mother’s death, I decided to seriously begin the BLE program. A year earlier, I’d heard of BLE and even signed up for the 14-Day Challenge, but never began. So, on Dec 23, 2018 (2 days before Christmas—yikes!) I seriously began my BLE journey, weighing in at 199 pounds. About 14 months later (after restarting the 14-Day Challenge and completing the Boot Camp), I finally reached 138 pounds* (within my goal weight range 132-138). I haven’t been at this weight since I was a teenager.
I’d been a vegetarian for about 15 years and became a vegan when I started BLE. With this program, I’ve been able to accomplish what had eluded me for over 60 years. I am so grateful for the BLE friends that I’ve made, my increased understanding of food addiction, and the happiness and peace I now have with my food.
*People following the Bright Line Eating program lose an average of 1-2 pounds per week. Featured participants expended more time and effort than required and were asked to share their experiences to help promote the program because of the extraordinary results they achieved.